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短文一、(附翻譯)Spring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors. This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often. Smaller children like to bring their kites out to the spacious square. Also I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months. 春天是個讓人欣喜的季節.氣溫適中,掛滿綠葉的樹和盛開的花朵給城市增添了明亮的色彩.在這個時節裏,我們可以穿上輕便靚麗的衣服經常出門去了.小孩子們則喜歡在廣闊的天空中放風箏.在城裏呆了一個冬天之後,我也喜歡回到村子裏度假.

短文二、A Spring Morning It was early in the spring morning. The sun was just rising out of the eastern horizon? emitting steaks of red hue through the clouds and across the sky. Soon the campus was battled in the first rays of the sun. The lake? the trees and the bamboos looked as if they were all gilded. The ground was covered with tender grasses and the beaded dewdrops stood on their tips and reflected the s flew about in the woods twittering restlessly. Some boy students who were absorbed in reading leaned against the trees with buds peeping out from within the gray barks. A couple of girl students read English aloud while walking up and down the gravel path around the lake? where a sort of stream rose? forming a thin was really a morning of beauty of vigor and of hope.

精彩短句、Recovery of all things spring, spring rain Sasa it like a fluttering gently footsteps of the painter, a Buliu Shen it has to every corner of the earth printed on a color. 春天萬物復甦,春雨飄飄灑灑它像一個腳步輕輕的畫家,一不留神它已經把大地每一個角落都印上了色彩d, flower garden, the forest have a girl left behind traces of the spring, she decorated in earth Huanran, a new, beautiful and peaceful 田野上,花圃上,森林裏都有着春姑娘留下足跡,她把大地裝飾得渙然一新,美麗,祥和 fields confusing wheat green, I looked boundless, as if the green wave. That golden wild flowers, in the Green Wave in flash.田野上,麥苗返青,一望無邊,彷彿綠色的波浪。



【春】、春天來了,大地上的每一個角落者充滿了春天的氣息ng is coming,every corner of the earth who filled with spring in the air.小鳥們從家裏飛了出來,唱着動聽的歌,告訴我們、春天來了!The birds fly out from home,and sang hit song,tell us:spring is coming!春天真的來了,在池塘裏,在田野上,在天空中,到處都煥發着勃勃生機ng is really in the pond,in the field,in the sky,everywhere the glow vitality.春天的景色太美了,春天裏人們的心情更美ng scenery was so beautiful,the mood in the spring people more beautiful.我熱愛春天,我喜歡聞到花兒的芳香,看到大樹的.新綠,聽到小烏的歡唱.I love spring,I like to smell the fragrance of flowers,see the trees green,hear little uzziah sings.我熱愛春天,因爲春天充滿了生機,充滿了新的希望!I love spring because full of vitality,full of new hope!

【夏】 It was a summer clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.這是一個夏日的午後.清澈湛藍的天空點綴着飛舞的雲雀er is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers.夏季時陽光普照,花蝴蝶舞蹈side trees stand in the slumped,wind,still leaves,it fell full thick gray..路旁的梧桐樹無精打采地站立在那,一絲風,樹葉紋絲不動,上面落滿了厚厚的灰.

【秋】 It is sky is clem and summer heat is autumn wind brings us grains have been harvested,the rice,wheat and corn..秋天,已是秋天了,天空晴朗,萬里無雲,夏熱已逝,秋風送爽.此時,稻子、小麥和穀子等莊稼也已開鐮收割 times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the washes everything clean.有時,秋雨無聲地落到樹上、花上和地上.它洗滌一切 a beautiful painting!Autumn is the season for harvest no pains,no gains.I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.一幅多麼美麗的油畫.秋天是收穫的季節.而不勞者將一無所獲.我要努力學習,以便所有的功課都獲得豐收 sky is blue and white clouds are in the look like sail boats.天空很藍色很乾淨.許多白雲在天空中.它們看起來像帆船 leaves are are hanging on the trees,some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind.樹葉都是黃色的.有些是掛在樹上,有些是在地面上,有些人在風中跳舞.

【冬】 Snowflakes fall down fall on branches of trees,on roofs of houses and on wheat the whole earth will be dressed in ything is shining in the sun.雪花落下來.它們落在樹幹的枝條,屋頂上和麥田裏.很快整個大地都銀妝素裹起來.一切都是燦爛的陽光 and girls are singing and dancing around the snow man .男孩女孩們圍着雪人在唱歌跳舞..。
